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How to win a tic tac toe game all the time

Tic Tac Toe game is a simple puzzle game. Which is played by 2 players. The game consists of 3*3 squares. In the game, after one player has written “0”, it is the turn of the other player to write “X”. The player who makes his/her symbol in 3 squares in a cross or line wins the game.

Welcome to Hello gamers, If you also love to play Tic Tac Toe game, then this article will make you a pro in Tic Tac Toe game. In this you will learn tips and tricks of tic tac toe game. So that you can beat your friend easily.

How to be the winner of tic tac toe game/ tic tac toe tips and tricks

when it’s your first turn

trick no. 1

If your turn is first, you always draw on the corner square. this is always wining trick in tic tac toe game

tic tac toe game tips and tricks
tic tac toe

When it is your first turn, you have to place your symbol on the corner square.

tic tac toe best tips
tic tac toe

If your friend makes his mark in any of these four squares, then you are sure to win.

winning moves in Tic Tac Toe game
tic tac toe puzzle game

then you have to make your symbol in the center square

tic tac toe
tic tac toe game

Your friend will then place his mark in the opposite corner square to avoid your cross pass.

tic tac toe game win always
tic tac toe game

After that you have to place your mark in the corner square where your way to win is doubled.

Next your friend will block one of your way, but the other way will ensure your victory.

trick no. 2
tic tac toe new trick
tic tac toe

When you select corner square and your friend also select corner square

tic tac toe tips
tic tac toe

If your friend draws on the corner square, you also have to draw on the corner square.

tic tac toe
tic tac toe

your friend will block your way to the pass line

tic tac toe tips
tic tac toe tips

You also have to select the Corner Square once again.

This time your friend can block only one way, so you’re sure to win

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trick no. 3
tic tac toe
tic tac toe

When you select the corner square your friend selects the middle square then

tic tac toe
tic tac toe

When you select corner square your friend select middle square then you have to select corner square once again.

tic tac toe tips
tic tac toe

If your friend selects one of these squares, the game will be tied.

If your friend selects the corner square, you must also select the opposite square. after that you are sure to win

when it’s your turn to be number two

tic tac toe gamekeeda
tic tac toe gamekeeda

When your friend selects the corner square you have to select the middle corner or else you will lose the game.

tic tac toe gamekeeda
tic tac toe gamekeeda

When your friend chooses the middle square and you choose one of these, you lose. When your friend selects the middle square, you have to select the corner square to tie the match.

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solanki ajay

Hello friends, I am Solanki Ajay, owner of site, I post game related content on this site every day. I bring you new game tips and tricks, solutions to game problems.

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