You may not believe it, but it is true. I have gained 10,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel without uploading any video. You must be wondering how this happened? This post is to answer this question. I have not posted a single video on YouTube yet, yet my subscribers keep increasing every day. In this post, I am going to tell you the Trick to increase subscribers.
My story of growing on YouTube without videos
From which platform did I increase my subscribers?
I have neither bought these subscribers from anywhere nor have I got them promoted by anyone. I have acquired all these subscribers by creating my own site. Now the question in your mind will be how to increase subscribers by creating your own site.
Trick to increase subscribers
To understand this in simple language, suppose a user goes to Google and searches for a file to download. Google presents the top websites related to the search keyword to the user. The user opens any site according to his choice. After opening the site, as soon as the user clicks on the download button, the file starts downloading. But what if we replace this download button with a new button whose only function is that to download the file, you have to subscribe to the channel first.
By following the 5 steps given below you can increase the subscribers of your channel without posting any video.
I have followed the 5 steps given below. What I have mentioned below is my experience. You can also increase subscribers by following this trick. With this trick, my subscribers are still increasing. Without posting any video.
1. I made my own website

First of all I created a site named Gamekeeda. To create a website we need both domain and hosting. Domain means the name of your site. And the place where the data of your site is saved is called hosting. I bought the domain and premium hosting from the Hostinger site. Then I connected them together and created the website. You can create your site on WordPress and Blogger.
2. I designed and customized the website

A site is incomplete without design and customization. The cleaner and better the site is, the more users will connect to your site. After creating the website, I designed and customized it well. So that my website becomes user friendly and users stay connected to your website as much as possible.
3. I started writing articles on my site

No one will come to your site without posting articles, that is why you have to write a new article post every day so that more and more people come to your site.
Here I will give an example of what kind of articles I used to write. So I used to write articles on content like Free Fire Config File Download. You have to write some such articles.
4. Write Downloadable Content Articles

Downloadable content means content where people come to the website to download a file and not to gain knowledge. Downloadable content is the most important part of this trick, so you too have to learn to write downloadable articles.
Example of Downloadable Content Article:
- Arena Breakout Config File Download
- Project Blood Stick Config File Download
- Farlight 84 Paid Config File Download
If you want to follow my method then you need to write similar downloadable articles.
5. Insert a subscribe button into an article

If we write a downloadable article, then obviously the user will come to download a file. So the user will click on the download button to download the file. Therefore, we have to remove the download button by default, in its place you have to add a custom HTML block.
Then paste a script code in the custom HTML. You can download this code by clicking here.
Watch the video for better understanding
Then here you have to make 2 changes in this script, first you have to keep the link of the file which the user wants to download. And the second change you have to make is, you have to copy and paste the link of your YouTube channel. Then when the user clicks on the Subscribe to Download button, the same YouTube channel will open whose link you have pasted.
How will subscribers increase by following these 5 steps?
- Now when a user comes to your site by searching anything to download the file in any way.
- So he has to click on the Subscribe to Download button to download the file.
- As soon as the user clicks on the Subscribe to Download button, he gets redirected to your YouTube channel.
- And the user subscribes to your channel. This trick is the magic behind my subscribers.
- Now when the user goes back, the download button will start appearing in front of him. Now as soon as he clicks on the download button, the file will start downloading.
So friends, you saw that you can get thousands of subscribers on your YouTube channel even without uploading a single video. Just follow these 5 steps and take your YouTube journey to new heights. If you find this information useful, then do not forget to like and share this post. If you have any confusion in your mind then comment us.
plese10k subscriber