Hello friends welcome. Like in Free Fire, PUBG and Call of Duty, the skills of the character matter a lot. Similarly, in Farlight 84, the skill of the character matters a lot. In this article you will know, Top 5 best characters in Farlight 84. Best powerful character abilities in Farlight 84. Most dangerous character skill in Farlight 84 game. the perfect time to use the character’s ability in the farlight 84 game.
Let’s know the top 5 best characters of Farlight 84.
Let’s know the best characters of farlight 84 which will help you to win the game.
5. lucinda character ability

The Lucinda character’s ability opens a mystical black hole, pulling all enemies within range to the center and reducing the speed of all vehicles. This character character has 110 HP and 330 Speed.
The Lucinda character also has the ability when she uses a shotgun, increasing both magazine capacity and reload speed. When the front anime is moving too much, you can use the Lucinda character’s ability to slow it down.
4. Phantom character ability

The Phantom character has 110 HP and 330 Speed. Phantom uses Optic Camo to hide himself and all allies in range for a short period of time. This character deals extra headshot damage with sniper rifles. You can use this character’s ability to confuse the anime. The disadvantage of this character is that when you fire or stand up, the character will reappear.
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3. Syfer character ability

syfer Throws an EMP bomb that detonates after a brief delay, removing all enemy shields within range and temporarily disabling all enemy Jatpacks. The syfer character has 110 HP and 330 Speed. When the syfer is equipped with a weapon. Weapon skill cooldown is reduced. This character’s ability comes in handy when fighting inside buildings.
2. MK. R character best characters in Farlight 84

MK. R reveals his secret weapon to bombard the rockets in the target frontal area. This character releases rockets and explodes the whole area. ability is to be used when the enemy is in front of you with a vehicle. because this character’s rocket will destroy the vehicle. Also if you kill anime with this character your jetpack will fill up quickly.
1. Maggie character – best characters in Farlight 84

The reason why we have placed this character at number 1 is because Maggie character increases the movement speed for a short period after using a jetpack. If you play with Maggie character, your playing speed will be very fast. this character stimulates her jetpack shortening the cooldown.
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